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Tenerife's Forum of Fun

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2 posters

    NHS efficiency.


    Liechtenstein Male Posts : 14451
    Join date : 2011-08-15
    Age : 70
    Location : Cambs / Golf del Sur

    NHS efficiency. Empty NHS efficiency.

    Post by Perfectspecimen Sat 4 Jun 2016 - 2:49

    Might have spelt thet wrong. NHS efficiency. 3025408739  No spellcheck on Firefox. Anyway got a strange letter this morning...... Appointment 13/6......... This appointment has been made so that you can be assessed by by a nurse practitioner to see if it is possible to let you go home on the day of your operation. NHS efficiency. 3275847336  What fecking operation? First I have heard of it. Something to do with my ears I know that much. Trouble is I will be off to Tenerife following day. How can I cancel an operation I know nowt about? Only saw the consultant about a couple of weeks ago max and he said it would be a couple of months or so. Feck knows whats going on. I certainly dont want to piss off NHS by not turning up but Jeez, give me some fecking notice. Oh and not on 23/6 either please, I have some voting to do..........

    Liechtenstein Male Posts : 14451
    Join date : 2011-08-15
    Age : 70
    Location : Cambs / Golf del Sur

    NHS efficiency. Empty Re: NHS efficiency.

    Post by Perfectspecimen Sat 4 Jun 2016 - 3:08

    Got another appointment for 28/6. This one is for eyes, they fecked up the last one so I have to do it again but now instead of Wisbech where I went before this one I have to slap 25+ miles to Kings Lynn. Not supposed to drive either....... Fecking long walk then. Wasnt supposed to drive for the last one but hid car in ASDA car park, 500m walk, managed that without bumping into any lamp posts and then drove home perfectly normal, perhaps its just a warning for women then?   NHS efficiency. 3025408739  In case they have to do any parking........... Hmmm, talking of parking I managed to rip the corner off my front bumper whilst reversing into my back yard today. Now it matches the back one.  NHS efficiency. 1498946960
    Campbell Brodie
    Campbell Brodie

    Scotland Male Posts : 59106
    Join date : 2011-08-13
    Age : 69
    Location : Scotland

    NHS efficiency. Empty Re: NHS efficiency.

    Post by Campbell Brodie Sat 4 Jun 2016 - 8:56

    NHS efficiency. 3025408739 NHS efficiency. 3025408739

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    NHS efficiency. Empty Re: NHS efficiency.

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      Current date/time is Sun 2 Jun 2024 - 8:24