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5 posters

    Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub

    Campbell Brodie
    Campbell Brodie

    Scotland Male Posts : 59106
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    Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub Empty Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub

    Post by Campbell Brodie Thu 11 Feb 2021 - 15:54

    BBC News.

    Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub _116295820_etxtrader3_getty
    Adam Mint
    Adam Mint

    Scotland Male Posts : 23101
    Join date : 2011-10-07
    Age : 59

    Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub Empty Re: Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub

    Post by Adam Mint Fri 12 Feb 2021 - 0:26

    What did the wankers who voted for this expect ???

    Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub 1498946960 Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub 1498946960 Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub 1498946960

    Liechtenstein Male Posts : 14451
    Join date : 2011-08-15
    Age : 70
    Location : Cambs / Golf del Sur

    Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub Empty Re: Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub

    Post by Perfectspecimen Fri 12 Feb 2021 - 14:29

    Londoners voted to stay. Perhaps they should piss off back from where they came then.
    Adam Mint
    Adam Mint

    Scotland Male Posts : 23101
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    Age : 59

    Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub Empty Re: Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub

    Post by Adam Mint Fri 12 Feb 2021 - 21:53

    Ok Mr Brexiteer list the good points we've seen so far...

    Posts : 2963
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    Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub Empty Re: Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub

    Post by innit Sat 13 Feb 2021 - 12:07

    Due to the vote we have Boris as PM surely that is enough how many more good points due you want? Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub 2761542443

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    Liechtenstein Male Posts : 14451
    Join date : 2011-08-15
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    Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub Empty Re: Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub

    Post by Perfectspecimen Sat 13 Feb 2021 - 14:50

    What, apart from keeping all that money and making our own rules like we used to you mean? Well, a good chance of waving goodbye to N Ireland and no chance of Scotland getting independence, this is for their own good of course. We can close our borders to legal immigration only letting the wanted ones in and get rid of any foreigner who breaks our laws. We dont have to eat fecking bananas, all gone in supermarket this morning I see. We can buy and distribute Covid jabs far quicker than any other European country. That alone has made it worthwhile. I am probably within the top 1% of people in the World now that is protected against Covid. Well done UK.  Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub 294053457 I do firmly believe the only way is up.

    Ireland Male Posts : 22953
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    Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub Empty Re: Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub

    Post by 3rdforum Sat 13 Feb 2021 - 15:35

    Money - UK economy down 9.9%. Compare it to EU economies and subtract the difference, thats the Brexit effect
    Rules - Most of UK trade rules mirror that of EU to allow for FTA signed in Dec
    N.Ireland - hopefully, but will in all likely hood have a continued subvention over a decade to wean off the teat of the treasury ( NI costs more per week than EU ever did)
    Scotland - we'll see, I'd say Indy is favourite
    Close borders - you need migrant workers to do the low paying jobs. Also, it was  always within the power of the UK gov to remove criminals etc. Also always within UK gov to refuse social payments

    Staying in another EU state for up to 90 days

    As an EU citizen, EEA or Swiss national, you can travel within the territory of the European Union, the EEA and Switzerland. You do not need a visa to travel to another EU, EEA country or Switzerland and your passport should not be stamped upon exiting your country or entering another country.
    EU countries must not set conditions (other than needing a passport or national identity card, or to report their presence to the authorities) for EU citizens to enter their country.
    This means that you should not be asked to prove that you have an offer of employment, money to live off, are registered with a college, or have any other particular business or purpose to visiting the EU member state.
    EU citizens, EEA or Swiss nationals who arrive in Ireland must have a passport or national identity card. If you are travelling in mainland Europe, you may be allowed to move between countries without showing your passport or identity card (in the Schengen Area).
    Family members of EU, EEA or Swiss citizens, who are not citizens themselves, may have to apply for a visa to enter Ireland. See ‘Family members’ below.
    Your right to stay in an EU, EEA country or Switzerland for up to 90 days could be cancelled if you become an unreasonable burden on the social assistance system of the member state. If you have recently moved to Ireland, have not been able to find work, and have no money to support yourself, the Irish state does not have to pay you social assistance. See ‘Restrictions on freedom of movement below.

    Staying in another EU state for over 90 days

    If you want to remain in an EU, EEA state or Switzerland for more than 90 days, you may be asked to show that you:

    • Are in employment or
    • Self-employed or
    • A full time student with health insurance and money to support yourself or
    • You have money to support yourself and health insurance (for you and your family) without state assistance

    Bananas -  only the bendy ones are nice
    Covid Vaccine - UK bought the vaccine under EU rules which allowed any country to do what they did. Reason why EU bought in bloc was to ensure smaller countries didn't get outbid or left behind.
    The only way is up - probably, UK cant go much lower
    On a positive note, EU could learn a lot from UK medicines agency about approving vaccines in quick time.

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    Campbell Brodie
    Campbell Brodie

    Scotland Male Posts : 59106
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    Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub Empty Re: Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub

    Post by Campbell Brodie Sat 13 Feb 2021 - 16:03

    Reality V Fantasy Dermot. You won't change their minds, they'll blame any negative outcome on the EU. Still, people are entitled to their opinions/votes. C'est la vie...

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    Liechtenstein Male Posts : 14451
    Join date : 2011-08-15
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    Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub Empty Re: Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub

    Post by Perfectspecimen Sat 13 Feb 2021 - 16:22

    You're just jealous.  Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub 3025408739  Bloody bananas probably froze in transit lol.

    3rdforum likes this post

    Adam Mint
    Adam Mint

    Scotland Male Posts : 23101
    Join date : 2011-10-07
    Age : 59

    Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub Empty Re: Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub

    Post by Adam Mint Sat 13 Feb 2021 - 23:04

    Boris has kissed ass for a shit deal, cu#t probably started Covid to hide it,,,

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    Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub Empty Re: Brexit: London loses out as Europe's top share trading hub

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