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Tenerife's Forum of Fun

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2 posters

    Giving the ball back Norwegian style....

    Blyth Spirit
    Blyth Spirit

    England Male Posts : 1239
    Join date : 2011-11-22
    Age : 57
    Location : Blyth or on holiday!

    Giving the ball back Norwegian style.... Empty Giving the ball back Norwegian style....

    Post by Blyth Spirit Tue 15 May 2012 - 9:27

    Giving the ball back Norwegian style.... 3025408739

    It's not the lads fault, you see it zip off the ground when it bounces perfect pas back until it bounces so quickly the keeper fault if anything.
    Campbell Brodie
    Campbell Brodie

    Scotland Male Posts : 59106
    Join date : 2011-08-13
    Age : 69
    Location : Scotland

    Giving the ball back Norwegian style.... Empty Re: Giving the ball back Norwegian style....

    Post by Campbell Brodie Tue 15 May 2012 - 16:32

    Fair play to the reds for letting them score from the restart. Giving the ball back Norwegian style.... 3318427985

      Current date/time is Mon 3 Jun 2024 - 2:03