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Tenerife's Forum of Fun

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2 posters

    Reason for threads "Locking" and "Splitting".

    Campbell Brodie
    Campbell Brodie

    Scotland Male Posts : 59106
    Join date : 2011-08-13
    Age : 69
    Location : Scotland

    Reason for threads "Locking" and "Splitting". Empty Reason for threads "Locking" and "Splitting".

    Post by Campbell Brodie Thu 25 Oct 2012 - 18:25

    Gypsy and me were scratching our heads last night over the apparent "splitting" of two threads, and a new one starting up with the same name. I posed a question to Forumotion help last night and here is the reply I got explaining certain "limitations" on the forum...
    Forum Limitations.

    We actually worked it out ourselves last night that threads were closing after 67 pages or approx. 1,000 posts.

    England Male Posts : 21262
    Join date : 2011-08-13
    Age : 64
    Location : England

    Reason for threads "Locking" and "Splitting". Empty Re: Reason for threads "Locking" and "Splitting".

    Post by Topdog Thu 25 Oct 2012 - 18:36

    I KNEW THAT :puzzled:
    Campbell Brodie
    Campbell Brodie

    Scotland Male Posts : 59106
    Join date : 2011-08-13
    Age : 69
    Location : Scotland

    Reason for threads "Locking" and "Splitting". Empty Re: Reason for threads "Locking" and "Splitting".

    Post by Campbell Brodie Thu 25 Oct 2012 - 18:42

    It was bugging us rotten Kev! There's nowt we can do about it, but at least we know why it is happening now. Reason for threads "Locking" and "Splitting". 294053457

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    Reason for threads "Locking" and "Splitting". Empty Re: Reason for threads "Locking" and "Splitting".

    Post by Sponsored content

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