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Tenerife's Forum of Fun

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5 posters

    Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight.

    Campbell Brodie
    Campbell Brodie

    Scotland Male Posts : 59106
    Join date : 2011-08-13
    Age : 69
    Location : Scotland

    Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight. Empty Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight.

    Post by Campbell Brodie Sat 27 Oct 2012 - 9:14

    Remember guys and gals, UK and Canarys are on the same time, so both will have to put their clocks back an hour at 01:00am. Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight. Clock-smiley(Do it before you go to bed,it's easier). I like this because we get an "extra" hour in bed, but I hate the dark winter nights!Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight. S5709

    Ireland Male Posts : 22953
    Join date : 2011-08-30
    Age : 53
    Location : Ireland

    Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight. Empty Re: Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight.

    Post by 3rdforum Sat 27 Oct 2012 - 14:34

    Roll on Dec 21st
    Campbell Brodie
    Campbell Brodie

    Scotland Male Posts : 59106
    Join date : 2011-08-13
    Age : 69
    Location : Scotland

    Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight. Empty Re: Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight.

    Post by Campbell Brodie Sat 27 Oct 2012 - 14:38

    3rdforum wrote:Roll on Dec 21st

    Less than two months away and it starts to get lighter again. (Takes a while to notice though...) Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight. 294053457

    England Male Posts : 21262
    Join date : 2011-08-13
    Age : 64
    Location : England

    Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight. Empty Re: Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight.

    Post by Topdog Sat 27 Oct 2012 - 15:48

    Think D meant world ends.
    Campbell Brodie
    Campbell Brodie

    Scotland Male Posts : 59106
    Join date : 2011-08-13
    Age : 69
    Location : Scotland

    Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight. Empty Re: Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight.

    Post by Campbell Brodie Sat 27 Oct 2012 - 15:52

    Topdog wrote:Think D meant world ends.

    It better not! We're going to Mischief Maker's place for Christmas dinner! Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight. 871748619

    England Male Posts : 21262
    Join date : 2011-08-13
    Age : 64
    Location : England

    Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight. Empty Re: Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight.

    Post by Topdog Sat 27 Oct 2012 - 15:56

    Not going to buy any presents until 22nd just in case, no point in wasting money, may need it. Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight. 3275847336 Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight. 3275847336 Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight. 3275847336 Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight. 3275847336

    Ireland Male Posts : 22953
    Join date : 2011-08-30
    Age : 53
    Location : Ireland

    Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight. Empty Re: Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight.

    Post by 3rdforum Sat 27 Oct 2012 - 19:46

    Is the world going to end on Dec 21st? I've already booked my holidays for next year! Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight. 2419626307

    England Male Posts : 21262
    Join date : 2011-08-13
    Age : 64
    Location : England

    Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight. Empty Re: Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight.

    Post by Topdog Sat 27 Oct 2012 - 22:42

    you are insured are you not, should get your money back if you can't go.
    Campbell Brodie
    Campbell Brodie

    Scotland Male Posts : 59106
    Join date : 2011-08-13
    Age : 69
    Location : Scotland

    Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight. Empty Re: Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight.

    Post by Campbell Brodie Sat 25 Mar 2017 - 18:38

    Clocks change tonight guys and gals. Remember to put FORWARD 1 hour. Summer's a-coming!

    Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight. 17492810
    Adam Mint
    Adam Mint

    Scotland Male Posts : 23101
    Join date : 2011-10-07
    Age : 59

    Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight. Empty Re: Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight.

    Post by Adam Mint Sun 26 Mar 2017 - 17:57

    So technically I'm losing a hour of my holiday, I ain't happy about that...

    Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight. 16779677 Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight. 16779677 Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight. 16779677
    Campbell Brodie
    Campbell Brodie

    Scotland Male Posts : 59106
    Join date : 2011-08-13
    Age : 69
    Location : Scotland

    Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight. Empty Re: Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight.

    Post by Campbell Brodie Sun 26 Mar 2017 - 18:47

    Go back out in October and you'll get it back...
    Adam Mint
    Adam Mint

    Scotland Male Posts : 23101
    Join date : 2011-10-07
    Age : 59

    Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight. Empty Re: Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight.

    Post by Adam Mint Sun 26 Mar 2017 - 19:06

    I'll have a word with the insurance company on that one...

    Liechtenstein Male Posts : 14451
    Join date : 2011-08-15
    Age : 70
    Location : Cambs / Golf del Sur

    Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight. Empty Re: Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight.

    Post by Perfectspecimen Sun 26 Mar 2017 - 21:14

    The bit you have missed you wont remember anyway Minty. Its 1am. Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight. 3275847336

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    Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight. Empty Re: Clocks change in the wee small hours tonight.

    Post by Sponsored content

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