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Tenerife's Forum of Fun

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3 posters

    The difference between bikers and footballers...

    Adam Mint
    Adam Mint

    Scotland Male Posts : 23101
    Join date : 2011-10-07
    Age : 59

    The difference between bikers and footballers... Empty The difference between bikers and footballers...

    Post by Adam Mint Mon 12 Nov 2012 - 17:35

    The difference between bikers and footballers...

    Footballers , lock of hair out of place and its Oscars and stretchers...

    Bikers, splatted on the track at a ton, pissed off cos bikes a bit broke........


    England Male Posts : 30546
    Join date : 2011-08-13
    Age : 70
    Location : England

    The difference between bikers and footballers... Empty Re: The difference between bikers and footballers...

    Post by Mcqueen Mon 12 Nov 2012 - 17:36

    I told him not to use slicks, The difference between bikers and footballers... 1498946960

    Ireland Male Posts : 22953
    Join date : 2011-08-30
    Age : 53
    Location : Ireland

    The difference between bikers and footballers... Empty Re: The difference between bikers and footballers...

    Post by 3rdforum Mon 12 Nov 2012 - 18:11

    I've done worse coming home from pub. Hard nut me The difference between bikers and footballers... 871748619
    Adam Mint
    Adam Mint

    Scotland Male Posts : 23101
    Join date : 2011-10-07
    Age : 59

    The difference between bikers and footballers... Empty Re: The difference between bikers and footballers...

    Post by Adam Mint Mon 12 Nov 2012 - 18:22

    Dwink dwiving not illegal over there then,,,

    The difference between bikers and footballers... 878948377

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    The difference between bikers and footballers... Empty Re: The difference between bikers and footballers...

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