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3 posters

    Relocating your pets from UK to Tenerife


    Spain Female Posts : 12655
    Join date : 2011-08-14

    Relocating your pets from UK to Tenerife Empty Relocating your pets from UK to Tenerife

    Post by Gypsy Fri 18 Jan 2013 - 18:42

    This could be of interest to TD regarding shipping Alfie here when he relocates.

    My friend Helen will be here permanently from 1st June. She went on another forum to ask the process of getting her cat here and was told a load of old tosh. People were telling her she could take it in the cabin with her and stick it under the seat and once she told the staff they would automatically upgrade her to business. All this for anything from €30 - €150.

    The truth is you cannot fly any animals from the UK in the cabin they have to be put into cargo. I don´t know whether those answering her didn´t read her question as they were suggesting airlines like Iberia and British Airways to fly from Scotland or perhaps they were just thick and were getting the rules for other European countries confused with what you are allowed to do from the UK.

    To stop her tearing her hair out I spoken with my friend Allen who takes and collects loads of dogs and cats from the airport so I knew he would have the information.


    Here is the procedure

    a) Speak with the airline and check that you and your animal are on the same flight
    b) check with them that they will accept YOUR animal transfer paperwork and not go through an International Agent.
    c) If they go through an agent then you need to know who it is, one of the best known here is Ladyhaye [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] and if that is the case they will do everything for you.
    d) If the airline are happy to take the booking direct from you, you just get off the flight at this end, walk round the back to cargo and show your paperwork.
    e) You may have to wait a while anything from 30 mins to an hour because the animal is being unloaded and checked then they will just hand to you.
    f) He said there is nothing at all complicated about it and certainly no need to pay a third party who seem to be contacting her making out she needs their expertise.

    England Male Posts : 21262
    Join date : 2011-08-13
    Age : 64
    Location : England

    Relocating your pets from UK to Tenerife Empty Re: Relocating your pets from UK to Tenerife

    Post by Topdog Fri 18 Jan 2013 - 18:52

    So do you collect dogs and cats before luggage. Does your friend Allen collect for most? weather

    Spain Female Posts : 12655
    Join date : 2011-08-14

    Relocating your pets from UK to Tenerife Empty Re: Relocating your pets from UK to Tenerife

    Post by Gypsy Fri 18 Jan 2013 - 19:14

    Topdog wrote:So do you collect dogs and cats before luggage. Does your friend Allen collect for most? weather

    No pick your luggage up and then wander round the back to cargo.

    Allen used to normally get involved when the animals needed a long quarantine period and they stayed at his kennels for the 6 months, but now it is days not months. He collects if people are coming on different flights to the animals and takes them back to his place to board until the owner can catch up.

    His details are here Digs 4 Dogs I wouldn´t have anyone other than Allen and Lesley to look after my girls, they are not the cheapest but it really is a home from home.

    If you need other recommendations then my friends Alice and Mark are super with animals, they have Poochies Pet Hotel If I was stuck I would certainly put my girls here but it is a bit more rugged than they are used to Relocating your pets from UK to Tenerife 3025408739

    England Male Posts : 30546
    Join date : 2011-08-13
    Age : 70
    Location : England

    Relocating your pets from UK to Tenerife Empty Re: Relocating your pets from UK to Tenerife

    Post by Mcqueen Fri 18 Jan 2013 - 19:33

    Better still, sling it in a skip and get another when you get to tenerife, loads of dogs knocking about,
    No charge Relocating your pets from UK to Tenerife 2327103340

    Spain Female Posts : 12655
    Join date : 2011-08-14

    Relocating your pets from UK to Tenerife Empty Re: Relocating your pets from UK to Tenerife

    Post by Gypsy Fri 18 Jan 2013 - 19:36

    Oy - stop pratting about, this is an INFORMATION, thread so be serious or I will bin ya!

    England Male Posts : 21262
    Join date : 2011-08-13
    Age : 64
    Location : England

    Relocating your pets from UK to Tenerife Empty Re: Relocating your pets from UK to Tenerife

    Post by Topdog Fri 18 Jan 2013 - 19:46

    Remember Linus, he will piss on you from a great height for that.
    Thanks M, intending on same flight for both.

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