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Campbell Brodie
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    Calvia council ask for new legislation regarding street prostitution


    England Male Posts : 21262
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    Calvia council ask for new legislation regarding street prostitution  Empty Re: Calvia council ask for new legislation regarding street prostitution

    Post by Topdog Sat 23 Mar 2013 - 18:45

    I better look for other work in case the law changes in Tenerife.
    Campbell Brodie
    Campbell Brodie

    Scotland Male Posts : 59106
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    Calvia council ask for new legislation regarding street prostitution  Empty Re: Calvia council ask for new legislation regarding street prostitution

    Post by Campbell Brodie Sat 23 Mar 2013 - 19:12

    Daryn, I've deleted your original post mate, it was messing up the forum layout somehow. Try it again.... Calvia council ask for new legislation regarding street prostitution  294053457

    UK Male Posts : 656
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    Calvia council ask for new legislation regarding street prostitution  Empty Re: Calvia council ask for new legislation regarding street prostitution

    Post by Daryn Mon 25 Mar 2013 - 20:11

    I placed the video code in but it don't seem to want to work on your site, I put it on ours without a problem Calvia council ask for new legislation regarding street prostitution  506932706
    Tried it again but it wont work MMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmm

    England Male Posts : 21262
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    Calvia council ask for new legislation regarding street prostitution  Empty Re: Calvia council ask for new legislation regarding street prostitution

    Post by Topdog Mon 25 Mar 2013 - 20:22

    special us no riff raff type videos on here. Calvia council ask for new legislation regarding street prostitution  1498946960

    UK Male Posts : 656
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    Calvia council ask for new legislation regarding street prostitution  Empty Re: Calvia council ask for new legislation regarding street prostitution

    Post by Daryn Tue 26 Mar 2013 - 15:00

    Calvia council ask for new legislation regarding street prostitution  2485877773forgot about that Calvia council ask for new legislation regarding street prostitution  2761542443

    UK Male Posts : 656
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    Calvia council ask for new legislation regarding street prostitution  Empty Re: Calvia council ask for new legislation regarding street prostitution

    Post by Daryn Tue 26 Mar 2013 - 15:12

    Calvia council want new law to ban street prostitution

    Calvia.—The ruling Partido Popular on the Calvia council will appeal to the central administration in Madrid to pass legislation to effectively ban street prostitution. The council also want the Madrid government to provide additional funding for police so that the new ruling can be enforced.

    Street prostitution in Magalluf has become a serious problem with the tourist industry, business owners and local residents calling on the council to act. The council have said that they lack the necessary legal framework to take action against street prostitution. Prostitutes have also been accused of mugging and robbing tourists as well.

    A recent high court ruling said that street prostitution was not a criminal offence especially when you take into account the enormous back-log of work in the law courts. According to the Partido Popular, this led to an increase in prostitution because those responsible believed that they were “outside the law” and would simply be arrested and then released.

    But the council believes that if Central government passes this legislation it will allow them to act and eradicate the problem once and for all. The Partido Popular said that the majority of the street prostitutes in Calvia were illegal foreign residents. The centre-right party said that it was up to the central government to deal with the problem.

    Magalluf residents say that prostitution is one of the biggest problems facing the resort at the moment. The problem has got so bad some tourists are afraid to go out at night because they fear being attacked. The street prostitution problem was featured on a controversial BBCdocumentary about Magalluf and Mayor Manu Onieva was criticised for not taking action. However, he said that his hands were tied and was unable to take any action because they lacked the necessary legal powers.The Partido Popular now wants to change this state of affairs with this new piece of legislation.


    UK Male Posts : 656
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    Calvia council ask for new legislation regarding street prostitution  Empty Re: Calvia council ask for new legislation regarding street prostitution

    Post by Daryn Sun 23 Jun 2013 - 16:29

    Here is the latest news on this................

    The police and new so called task force have made arrests in and around Magaluf area but its making no difference what so ever, infact the situation is getting worse. If you like Magaluf then the place is fine up until about 11pm onwards when this scum come in by bus.

    They are targeting drunk guys on their own mostly but seem to be getting more and more aggressive, serious attacks on guys are getting more common.

    Our advice is if you decide to stay in Magaluf enjoy it through the day, late at night stay together, get taxis back to your accommodation and you should be fine.

    Palma Nova the next resort along is still fine and my preferred place of choice, stay in Palma Nova walk into Maga early in the evening and day time but get a taxi back.

    Apparently this scum is now spreading across to Santa Ponsa and Arenal. The problem is they pose as prostitutes and prostitution is legal in Spain so the police can do nothing about it, we think they could but they seem to turn a blind eye most of the time but they are not they are robbing thieves and all seem to be from Nigeria.

    If you need any info please get in touch

    Liechtenstein Male Posts : 14451
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    Calvia council ask for new legislation regarding street prostitution  Empty Re: Calvia council ask for new legislation regarding street prostitution

    Post by Perfectspecimen Sun 23 Jun 2013 - 19:46

    Nowt new there. It was happening 12 years ago in Las Americas. I was accosted by a very attractive black girl when I had Freddie in tow. He would have been about 5 at the time. She grabbed hold of me at one point and Freddie kicked her in the shin. Calvia council ask for new legislation regarding street prostitution  3025408739 Thats my boy.......

    UK Male Posts : 656
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    Calvia council ask for new legislation regarding street prostitution  Empty Re: Calvia council ask for new legislation regarding street prostitution

    Post by Daryn Sat 24 Aug 2013 - 20:36

    So that's the answer, if you want to go out at night hire Freddie lol.

    Ok latest news again,

    Well that's it hope this helped lol, nothing at all has been done, infact the Mayor doesn't seem bothered at all. The situation is still the same, people businesses are going to the wall because of this problem. We are out there beginning of October so I will be able to do a proper report as all this is second hand at the moment.
    Adam Mint
    Adam Mint

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    Calvia council ask for new legislation regarding street prostitution  Empty Re: Calvia council ask for new legislation regarding street prostitution

    Post by Adam Mint Sun 25 Aug 2013 - 4:20

    Am I missing something...

    Scotland Female Posts : 10439
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    Calvia council ask for new legislation regarding street prostitution  Empty Re: Calvia council ask for new legislation regarding street prostitution

    Post by Mermaid Sun 25 Aug 2013 - 7:35

    don't think so lol

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