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Tenerife's Forum of Fun

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7 posters

    The Monkey Park


    UK Male Posts : 656
    Join date : 2011-09-05
    Age : 57
    Location : South Tyneside UK

    The Monkey Park Empty The Monkey Park

    Post by Daryn Mon 22 Sep 2014 - 14:01

    Monkey Park

    The Monkey Park is only a short taxi ride from Los Cristianos, taxi cost is around €6/€7 euro from Safari centre in Playa De Las Americas.

    Some bits I liked some I didn't.

    Looking around the Monkey Park its easy to see that their is lots of scope and size to make the park a better place for some these animals to live in although they all looked healthy apart from some of the med tortoises.

    The Monkey Park SAM_0786

    A lot of it was really good and they tried to give near enough the real conditions in which these animals are accustomed too in the wild, the likes of the Chimp enclosure, to me it was too small and not so good, concrete base not natural at all but plenty climbing frames, Ive seen worse and I guess building a huge one would cost a fortune and Im sure this place started off as a place for unwanted animals a sort of rescue centre.

    The Monkey Park SAM_0741

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    The Monkey Park SAM_0733

    Alot of the cages are of the open kind to the public, in other words you can go inside and interact with the animals, a nice touch although I did find with the likes of the Sulcata tortoise was pestered all the time with people wanting to touch it.

    The Monkey Park SAM_0782

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    The Monkey Park SAM_0777

    This was a great enclosure for the crocs and turtles.

    The Monkey Park SAM_0776

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    The Monkey Park SAM_0765

    Yep we were in the cage with these, great experience to be so close to them.

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    The Monkey Park SAM_0747

    This is one area I didnt like, the enclosure itself was great but they had mixed species of tortoises all together, they were all feeding on the same diet which was wrong and could be seen by the deformity on the mediterranean species which are more accustomed to a weed diet than fruit and veg. Sorry thats the expert coming out in me lol, Im a tortoise keeper.

    The Monkey Park SAM_0732

    This species is a sulcata tortoise and more of a grazing species eating various grasses not fruit.

    The Monkey Park SAM_0731

    Here is some of the food they shared, I saw cabbage another big nono for med species although they will eat anything includng fruit which becomes an addiction for them and not good at all for their digestive system.

    The Monkey Park SAM_0729

    The Monkey Park SAM_0728

    Here you can see the different species together which is not a good idea for various reasons.

    The Monkey Park SAM_0727

    The Monkey Park SAM_0726

    Here is the med species they are really badly deformed. Its such a shame this is one of the biggest faults I found in this small zoo, with a little bit more knowledge and not a great deal of money this could be much better, for example I found lots of places they could have placed the med tortoises in with out doing much more than a small picket fence.

    The Monkey Park SAM_0725

    Here is one such area that was doing nothing, the med species would have thrived here on their own with a proper diet.

    The Monkey Park SAM_0752

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    I did like the monkey park and for the price of €10 each it was a great way to fill in a hour or so in the afternoon. I have contacted the zoo with my finding but heard nothing back. They have done a pretty good job of the place for a small scale zoo, the smaller monkey species have great enclosures.

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    Spain Female Posts : 12655
    Join date : 2011-08-14

    The Monkey Park Empty Re: The Monkey Park

    Post by Gypsy Mon 22 Sep 2014 - 14:18

    Daryn, it is my favourite attraction on the island.  If you are feeling a bit down, then go for a walk in the 'open cages' and let the little guys run all over you.  You will soon be uplifted.  When I first went 9 years ago they had just taken it over from the people who ran the cactus park.  It was almost derelict, the nice paths and gardens you see now were just broken concrete walls and rough ground.  They also had leopards and a scabby tiger but they have since 'died'.  As it isn´t meant to be a zoo just a conservation centre they are only now getting to grips with tidying it up.  In the last few years they have built the open centre with the 'glass' cages so you can walk through and watch the small monkeys climbing about (behind the glass are the breeding cages).  They then built the aviary and have now got loos which used to be in the maintenance man's shed!.

    So slowly getting better and it is very popular.

    Ireland Male Posts : 22953
    Join date : 2011-08-30
    Age : 53
    Location : Ireland

    The Monkey Park Empty Re: The Monkey Park

    Post by 3rdforum Mon 22 Sep 2014 - 14:32

    Another great review Daryn. Keep them coming. Btw, where is Monkey Park?

    England Male Posts : 30546
    Join date : 2011-08-13
    Age : 70
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    The Monkey Park Empty Re: The Monkey Park

    Post by Mcqueen Mon 22 Sep 2014 - 15:01

    Where Kevin lives The Monkey Park 3025408739

    UK Male Posts : 656
    Join date : 2011-09-05
    Age : 57
    Location : South Tyneside UK

    The Monkey Park Empty Re: The Monkey Park

    Post by Daryn Mon 22 Sep 2014 - 15:07

    The Monkey Park is just outside Los Cristianos somewhere lol, it was up on a hill but not sure exactly, it was only minutes away though and easily reached by foot.

    Yep I thought i remembered you telling me that a couple of years back gypsie thats why I wanted to visit it.

    It is a good place and one I have advised others to visit. I hope they read my email and do something about separating the tortoise species, it wouldn't take much and cost next to nothing. I wasnt sure if the tortoises that were horribly deformed just what they had taken in or what they have had for a while. They should be perfect with the weather being the way it is, they have metabolic bone disease probably brought on with bad diet and not enough fibre. I have rehomed two tortoise one has this desease really bad, they brought it up on cat food, cabbage  and dandelions the diet was terrible and took me a while to get it eating what it should.

    I could see they had others areas they were working on and hopefully next time we visit we will see more of what they have done.

    Just edited this again whats going on lol

    England Male Posts : 30546
    Join date : 2011-08-13
    Age : 70
    Location : England

    The Monkey Park Empty Re: The Monkey Park

    Post by Mcqueen Mon 22 Sep 2014 - 15:14

    Easily reached by foot The Monkey Park 3275847336 The Monkey Park 3025408739
    Adam Mint
    Adam Mint

    Scotland Male Posts : 23101
    Join date : 2011-10-07
    Age : 59

    The Monkey Park Empty Re: The Monkey Park

    Post by Adam Mint Mon 22 Sep 2014 - 15:18

    I thought that, but said nothing as having never been there thought it may not be where the big sign is that you see from the motorway,,, anyway no need to go there or Loro Parque now, fell as if I just done the trips...

    Ireland Male Posts : 22953
    Join date : 2011-08-30
    Age : 53
    Location : Ireland

    The Monkey Park Empty Re: The Monkey Park

    Post by 3rdforum Mon 22 Sep 2014 - 15:20

    Mcqueen wrote:Where Kevin lives The Monkey Park 3025408739
    The Monkey Park 3025408739 The Monkey Park 3025408739

    Spain Female Posts : 12655
    Join date : 2011-08-14

    The Monkey Park Empty Re: The Monkey Park

    Post by Gypsy Mon 22 Sep 2014 - 16:17

    Nowhere near where Kev lives, it is down the hill from me.  You can see it on the TF1 on the opposite side of the motorway to Los Cris. I listen to the monkeys every morning shouting for their breakfasts.
    Adam Mint
    Adam Mint

    Scotland Male Posts : 23101
    Join date : 2011-10-07
    Age : 59

    The Monkey Park Empty Re: The Monkey Park

    Post by Adam Mint Mon 22 Sep 2014 - 16:43

    So you cant live that live far from Kev then...

    England Male Posts : 30546
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    The Monkey Park Empty Re: The Monkey Park

    Post by Mcqueen Mon 22 Sep 2014 - 17:04

    Mcqueen wrote:Where Kevin lives The Monkey Park 3025408739
    "Now I'm the king of the swingers a jungle VIP" The Monkey Park 4251995413
    Campbell Brodie
    Campbell Brodie

    Scotland Male Posts : 59106
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    The Monkey Park Empty Re: The Monkey Park

    Post by Campbell Brodie Mon 22 Sep 2014 - 18:25

    Location of monkey park...

    England Male Posts : 21262
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    The Monkey Park Empty Re: The Monkey Park

    Post by Topdog Mon 22 Sep 2014 - 22:13

    If you take the back road from Los Cris to Guaza it is behind the garage halfway up but actually other side you turn off at garage.Make sure you offer tj¡he chimps a bottle of water, funniest thing ever

    Ireland Male Posts : 22953
    Join date : 2011-08-30
    Age : 53
    Location : Ireland

    The Monkey Park Empty Re: The Monkey Park

    Post by 3rdforum Mon 22 Sep 2014 - 22:41

    The Monkey Park 755705644 The Monkey Park 755705644  Think I remember Gypsy and Kev giving me those directions before.

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    The Monkey Park Empty Re: The Monkey Park

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