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Tenerife's Forum of Fun

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7 posters

    Guy Martin

    Adam Mint
    Adam Mint

    Scotland Male Posts : 23101
    Join date : 2011-10-07
    Age : 59

    Guy Martin - Page 2 Empty Re: Guy Martin

    Post by Adam Mint Mon 17 Nov 2014 - 2:36

    Few years back I was up in Scotland visiting mates and family, I was staying at one of my mates houses who I raced motorbikes with, my son turns up in his car to take us for a pint, he would have been about twenty at the time, we jump in his car, there's a scateboard on the back seat, I ask what that about,,, would seem him and his mates have got in to it,,, I look at my mate, he looks at me,,,,, nearest big hill it was,... The three of us take it in turn to go further and further up the hill and come down, we used a Coke can to mark our start point (Cam might even know the hill I'm on about, small back road that comes from the Admarality junction to the back of the airport), it's my mates turn, he's coming down at a fair speed and twats it, knees and elbows torn out of clothing and blood everywhere,,, funny as fu#k it was, it's my turn next, I move the Coke can another ten feet or so up the hill, do it no prob, it's now my sons turn, he chickens out,,, my mate picks up the skateboard and heads up the hill again, my son can't understand it, my mates still leaking  blood from every joint,,, That's why me and my mate have got more trophies than my son, oh, he got in to bike racing as well...........

      Current date/time is Mon 3 Jun 2024 - 17:13