In laymans terms he means, Look ive been caught on the fiddle with the rest of them, Plus I'm gay, And i'm doing my best mate, And i want the tax payers to fund
Flying him around the world, So we can get cozy, Friggin el, Why dont they deep clean the blady lot of them, How much doe's that crew cost us, I dont take a lot of notice of what they say, Because i might aswell listen to my cat, But i do remember cameron saying that there will be none of that in his goverment, Also blair said it, Politics, Its just one big gravy train for the boys, i bet they laugh their cocks off at us poor souls, working our nads off, Selling off the energy companys
Etc, What a blady stupid thing to do, I read today how much money they are making, also transport, Trains, bus's, Anything we really need, sold off, It just beggars belief,