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5 posters

    Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK


    Ireland Male Posts : 22953
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    Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK Empty Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK

    Post by 3rdforum Mon 8 Dec 2014 - 19:44

    Island Connections

    England Male Posts : 30546
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    Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK Empty Re: Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK

    Post by Mcqueen Mon 8 Dec 2014 - 19:52

    3rdforum wrote:Island Connections
    Landing back in Leeds from Tenerife we get a right grilling, bar codes on passports looked at in detail so i dont know how that works Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK 3275847336
    Campbell Brodie
    Campbell Brodie

    Scotland Male Posts : 59106
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    Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK Empty Re: Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK

    Post by Campbell Brodie Mon 8 Dec 2014 - 19:56

    World security is pretty shite really. Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK 1498946960

    Liechtenstein Male Posts : 14451
    Join date : 2011-08-15
    Age : 70
    Location : Cambs / Golf del Sur

    Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK Empty Re: Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK

    Post by Perfectspecimen Mon 8 Dec 2014 - 22:03

    If you cant do a Yorkshire accent when landing at Leeds Bradford you should be exported immediately, and if you cant pick out the ferret in a line up ditto.  Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK 1483819851

    England Male Posts : 21262
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    Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK Empty Re: Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK

    Post by Topdog Mon 8 Dec 2014 - 22:16

    I landed at a uk airport, not saying which british Passport and eu citizens, big queue all being checked at least 4 mine in front of security, non EU mostly with black goatie beards or dresses with balaclava´s just flash a Passport and straight through, so if I wanted to be an ilegal trying to to Uk  I would be called Garupta Singh, or Mahatma Coate

    Liechtenstein Male Posts : 14451
    Join date : 2011-08-15
    Age : 70
    Location : Cambs / Golf del Sur

    Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK Empty Re: Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK

    Post by Perfectspecimen Mon 23 Feb 2015 - 21:54

    Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK 16779677 Grrrrr... I'm fuming here. Just finished watching on BBC about the poor wee children crossing the deserts of Africa and then braving the Med and hopefully getting to Europe. One young lad was asked where in Europe he would like to go, where Manchester United play, England. Yeah, shangri-la then. I have said it before and I will say it again. If you let them in it just encourages the next lot FFS! Now on is a program called Benefits Britain. This week its all about North of the border. Most of the population appear to be on one benefit or the other but the one who got me was the bird with tattoos on her face who has just landed back from a failed experience in Australia. They have given her a one bed flat, not only that its fully furnished with bed, bedding, sofas, pots and pans and a bleeding tele.  Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK 2419626307 WTF! Oh, shes complaining because its too cold and her benefits are getting eaten up by heating bills.  Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK 1498946960 Judging by her appearance she will be voting Green when the time comes in May. Good, another wasted vote. I am seriously considering canvassing for UKIP I am that pissed off with this bullshit. Lidl supermarket this morning at least 50% Eastern Europeans, what a joke. Jack just started new job today, labourer for a roofing company, only job hes had for over 2 months. Its not even a proper job, he gets £5 an hour cash in hand, risking his frigging neck and they only work if the weathers ok. Today he got £17.50p. What a f*****g shambles.

    England Male Posts : 30546
    Join date : 2011-08-13
    Age : 70
    Location : England

    Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK Empty Re: Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK

    Post by Mcqueen Tue 24 Feb 2015 - 9:19

    Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK 506932706 Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK 506932706 Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK 506932706 Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK 506932706 Nobody in authority dare say a word, or they become unemployed,

    Liechtenstein Male Posts : 14451
    Join date : 2011-08-15
    Age : 70
    Location : Cambs / Golf del Sur

    Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK Empty Re: Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK

    Post by Perfectspecimen Wed 25 Feb 2015 - 18:14

    Well done to Channel 4 for showing these programs. Immigration Street last night, the anti's were rather violent werent they? Did they get nicked? Never mind I live in a white English ghetto so I'm not worried about a film crew in my road, feck all to film really. The postman called, didnt notice anything else going on though.
    I see Cliff Richard is in a bit of bother, wont be under age girls will it? And a headteacher has been sacked for peeping at women in the leisure centre changing rooms. Hmmm, I shall check out my local one then.  Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK 3025408739

    England Male Posts : 30546
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    Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK Empty Re: Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK

    Post by Mcqueen Wed 25 Feb 2015 - 18:20

    Cliff Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK 1498946960 Bet Cilla and Lilly go's quiet, Guilty

    Liechtenstein Male Posts : 14451
    Join date : 2011-08-15
    Age : 70
    Location : Cambs / Golf del Sur

    Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK Empty Re: Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK

    Post by Perfectspecimen Thu 26 Feb 2015 - 20:09

    Net migration now 298,000 per year. The figure before you deduct peeps leaving is actually a staggering 620,000 new migrants. Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK 2419626307  1% of the population then, year on year. Its been going on for at least 50 years so probably half of Britain is now populated by non natives. You better hurry up and get over here Dermot before we burst at the seams.  Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK 3025408739
    You have permission to quote me Nigel in one of your speeches, and if theres a vacancy for a candidate in a constituency please let me know.  Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK 294053457

    Ireland Male Posts : 22953
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    Location : Ireland

    Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK Empty Re: Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK

    Post by 3rdforum Thu 26 Feb 2015 - 21:10

    Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK 3025408739 Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK 3025408739  Think I'll stick where I am. Costs too much to live in the UK now!

    Liechtenstein Male Posts : 14451
    Join date : 2011-08-15
    Age : 70
    Location : Cambs / Golf del Sur

    Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK Empty Re: Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK

    Post by Perfectspecimen Thu 26 Feb 2015 - 22:32

    The only thing thats expensive here is housing really, think the government are missing a trick here really, if they taxed the seller on any profit made I'm sure housing booms would quickly come to an abrupt halt. And rents follow quickly too, even council house rents are quite expensive now, nearly on a par with the private sector and mostly run now including in my area by 'housing associations'. Someones making a nice salary out of that I can tell you. Patsy is of Irish descent and she would love to go there but unless the pound gets to at least 2.5 to the Euro its off the list! I will probably include it in my round Britain cruise in the yacht when I retire, might encourage her to come along without moaning.......... Is it safe Vince? What happens if it gets more windy? The waves get bigger dear but on the plus side they are further apart and we get there quicker....... How long before we get there? Tells you on the GPS dear.......  Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK 3025408739

    Ireland Male Posts : 22953
    Join date : 2011-08-30
    Age : 54
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    Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK Empty Re: Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK

    Post by 3rdforum Thu 26 Feb 2015 - 22:59

    We found supermarkets were 20% dearer for food, even more for household products. The cost of fuel is off the charts. Pub grub is nearly twice the price. Price of a pint is roughly the same. All that said, your motor tax is a fraction of ours. Also, because I'm not eligible for a medical card, I pay 50 euro to see a doctor, though if I packed in work and went on benefits, we would get Dr and drugs free. I filled up my van 2 miles short of the border for 84p a litre. It was anything from 1.08 to 1.19 in Scotland. You'd fit in well in my village Vince. There isn't one coloured or Muslim child in the local school. There used to be a couple and to be honest, they joined in with the local community, none of this ghetto shite. I'd say one in every 5 accents you hear would be English/Scottish. Don't know why they are so many??  You'd buy a fairly new 4/5 bed house with a seperate garage on a half acre for @ 200000 sterling, less if you built it yourself. I pay property tax of £220 but we have to pay for bin collection, septic tank etc ourselves. Also, we will have to pay 3000 euro a year university fee plus books, food rent etc. We don't have student loans at the moment. Once you live outside Dublin, everything is cheaper.

    Liechtenstein Male Posts : 14451
    Join date : 2011-08-15
    Age : 70
    Location : Cambs / Golf del Sur

    Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK Empty Re: Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK

    Post by Perfectspecimen Thu 26 Feb 2015 - 23:28

    That 20% may be because the Euro has become worth a bit less. Over the past year or so many products, milk, butter, sugar, bread, and veg etc have come down although I do remember all of those except maybe milk leapt up some time back. Spuds are a silly price but I think there is currently a glut so they will soon come down, dont eat many anyway, lot of pasta and rice in my menus. Steak is stupidly expensive and chicken has crept up too but you can still get a nice joint of pork shoulder for £3 a kilo. As it happens I checked in the freezer today and I still have 3 large joints of beef that they were knocking out for £4 a kilo over Christmas. I got conned though, some of them were silverside, greed got the better of me and I didnt read the label properly.  Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK 3025408739 I was just looking for the biggest ones! Its ok though but just treat it as braising steak and pot roast it for 3 hours........ I guess the meats a bit cheaper in Ireland cos you have much grass and rain. We get the least amount of rain in UK in East Anglia but thats still too much, we had some today, back yard which is mainly grass slippery. One day I will hijack a concrete lorry. Or move.  Illegal Immigrants Using Tenerife To Enter UK 3275847336

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