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Tenerife's Forum of Fun

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5 posters

    South Shields/My home town


    UK Male Posts : 656
    Join date : 2011-09-05
    Age : 57
    Location : South Tyneside UK

    South Shields/My home town Empty South Shields/My home town

    Post by Daryn Thu 28 Jun 2012 - 12:55

    South Shields, the parks and the coast.

    South Shields/My home town P1090490

    Thought I would take a photo of the Date, Time and the temperature as I knew I would forget when I got round to doing the review lol.
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    This is called the Fairy Ring and we used to have picnics in here as a kid
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    This was once a bowling green but was very popular with us kids playing on it, so they turned it into a play area
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    The Law Top across the road where I was brought up, we used to play here all day long, paper airplanes ,football camps tents, no electronic games back then and alot more fun I think.

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    The hotel to the left of the screen is where Mick and Sandra stayed when they visited us, its called The Little Haven after the name of the beach
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    Here is another photo of the street I used to live, you can see how close it was to the park, every little boys dream
    South Shields/My home town P1090463

    This is a house that I was brought up in, its right across the road from the law top and parks, I was gutted when my parents sold up, Ive got so many fond memories of the place. I always said I would buy the house but Debbie doesn't like the house enough.
    South Shields/My home town P1090576

    It was a strange street as our side of the road was called Woodlands terrace but they other side of the road was called Urfa Terrace.
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    All the streets names had something to do with Romans as the roman Hadrian had a fort up in this area.
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    There is a small replica of the Roman Fort which is built where our old Baring Street Junior School was
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    They call this the Amphitheatre and have local bands playing in the summer
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    Just trying a few nature shots along the way lol
    South Shields/My home town P1090566

    This is the popular Harbour Lights bar at the top of the Law Top
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    And here is the one of our piers which is named the Groyne but Im not sure why, in the distance you can see Tynemouth Priory
    South Shields/My home town P1090562

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    Now these have been named the weebles for obvious reasons, there was hell on when South Tyneside Council folked out £250,000 for these.
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    Now I started playing around with the settings on this photo and found how to get a really sharp close up picture, I still have alot to learn about this camera.
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    A small model copy of the Groyne pier and to the right is an amateur theatre which has been there for as long as I remember.
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    This guy done some amazing sculptures with wood and a chainsaw
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    There is a really good caravan site in a great location
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    The Council introduced this little skateboard park a few years back and Im happy to say it gets used alot by the kids, its right on the beach
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    There was a live DJ on at the beach and he was getting people to join in daft games.
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    This is the 3rd park which hosts many celebrities mostly singers when they put the big stage up, Im sure the Happy Mondays are on this weekend
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    Another picture of the South Marine Park and boating lake
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    We used to do alot of skateboarding in this park when we were kids due to the many banks
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    A picture of Ocean Road which is well known for its many curry restaurants, Im sure when Mick and Sandra came we counted about 23 restaurants
    South Shields/My home town P1090491

    Hope you enjoyed the pictures as it was more of a walk through than a review, what can I say its pictures of our parks and the seafront so the pictures speak for themselves, Ive alot of fantastic memories playing in these parks buiding camps and generally doing what boys do, our parents never saw us from early moning until we had to come home.

    There is alot of investment going on at the moment with developments along the old dock yards and Ill be documenting these as they are done, part 2 to follow.

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    Blyth Spirit
    Blyth Spirit

    England Male Posts : 1239
    Join date : 2011-11-22
    Age : 57
    Location : Blyth or on holiday!

    South Shields/My home town Empty Re: South Shields/My home town

    Post by Blyth Spirit Thu 28 Jun 2012 - 14:55

    Ah fellow North Easterner, alreet Daryn.

    Always liked sooth shields since being taken as a bairn to the park & seafront.

    Love the avatar very North East.

    Notice I generalised rather than wrongly bracket you with either stereotype of Geordie or Mackem.

    Spain Female Posts : 12655
    Join date : 2011-08-14

    South Shields/My home town Empty Re: South Shields/My home town

    Post by Gypsy Thu 28 Jun 2012 - 16:01

    Blyth Spirit wrote:Ah fellow North Easterner, alreet Daryn.

    Well if that's all you want to feel at home a fellow North Easterner, I'll change my avatar. Not a Geordie or a Mackem but one of these
    South Shields/My home town 312707300_c806763a61

    UK Male Posts : 656
    Join date : 2011-09-05
    Age : 57
    Location : South Tyneside UK

    South Shields/My home town Empty Re: South Shields/My home town

    Post by Daryn Thu 28 Jun 2012 - 16:07

    Yes that was very diplomatic lol. Im a sand dancer a posh geordie lolSouth Shields/My home town 4226408756

    Spain Female Posts : 12655
    Join date : 2011-08-14

    South Shields/My home town Empty Re: South Shields/My home town

    Post by Gypsy Thu 28 Jun 2012 - 16:17

    Daryn wrote:Yes that was very diplomatic lol. Im a sand dancer a posh geordie lolSouth Shields/My home town 4226408756

    Could be worse you could have been a yakker South Shields/My home town 2419626307

    OH traced his roots back to George Stephenson of lamp and railway fame - he's a real Geordie born and bred in James Street, Jarrow (no longer there), but you would never guess - moved to Harrow and talks posh unlike me who still has a trace of an accent.

    UK Male Posts : 656
    Join date : 2011-09-05
    Age : 57
    Location : South Tyneside UK

    South Shields/My home town Empty Re: South Shields/My home town

    Post by Daryn Thu 28 Jun 2012 - 16:49

    OHHHHHHHHHHHHH just noticed the links on my signature lol. Thanks whoever done it they are great South Shields/My home town 294053457

    Scotland Female Posts : 10439
    Join date : 2011-08-14
    Location : Scotland

    South Shields/My home town Empty Re: South Shields/My home town

    Post by Mermaid Thu 28 Jun 2012 - 18:02

    your pictures are great and I like to see what other areas of the UK are like.
    Campbell Brodie
    Campbell Brodie

    Scotland Male Posts : 59106
    Join date : 2011-08-13
    Age : 69
    Location : Scotland

    South Shields/My home town Empty Re: South Shields/My home town

    Post by Campbell Brodie Thu 28 Jun 2012 - 18:04

    No probs mate... South Shields/My home town 294053457

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