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Tenerife's Forum of Fun

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4 posters

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12


    UK Male Posts : 656
    Join date : 2011-09-05
    Age : 57
    Location : South Tyneside UK

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 Empty South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12

    Post by Daryn Thu 28 Jun 2012 - 12:58

    I live only a few minutes away from the coast and it was such a lovely night that I decided to go for walk along a bit of our coastline known as Marsden.

    This grassed area is known as The Leas and is a National Trust site it leads to the cliff edges.

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110223

    Just a bit panning around the leas to gave you a good look.

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110224

    I live just behind these houses.

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110225

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110226

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    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110230

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110232

    What you can see here is the famous Marsden Rock in the sea to the left, part of it crumbled away a few years back but the top of this rock is a haven for sea birds.

    To the right which runs along the cliff edge you can see the top of the lift shaft which is there for the Marsden Grotto bar and restaurant.

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110233

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110234

    Top right of this photo you can see the Souter Lighthouse which again is owned by the National Trust, I will cover this another day with some close photos.

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110235

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110236

    Look at the top of the Marsden Rock you can now see the sea birds, the rock gets full of birds in the main summer season, Arctic terns, Kittiwakes, Cormorants, Fulmars, herring gulls, as well as shags, razor bills and lesser black-backed gulls just to name a few.

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110237

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110239

    There is some steps that lead you down to a very famous pub/restaurant called the Marsden Grotto, it also takes you down to the beach.

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110240

    So here we go

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110241

    Half way there now.

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110242

    And touch down.

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110243

    The birds nest all the way along this cliff's of Marsden Bay, the rock itself is Permian Magnesium Limestone and was formed almost 250 million years ago.

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110244

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110245

    Here is the famous Marsden Grotto pub/Restaurant, the pub is built around a cave, if you go to the back of the bar you will actually be inside the cave, Ill get some photos of this another day for you. Its said there is a ghost that goes by the name of John the Jibber, he died a long and lingering death, suspended in a bucket halfway down the cliff face after betraying fellow smugglers to the Customs Men it is rumoured that he haunts Marsden Bay and the Marsden Grotto.

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110246

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110247

    In this picture you get a good luck at the lift shaft.

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    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110253

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110254

    A bit of a challenge trying to get a good picture of a bird in flight.

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110259

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    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110264

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    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110272

    Now when the tide is going out like in this photo you can walk into the next cove but when the tide is in this is as far as you can walk from the Grotto.

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110274

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110275

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    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110280

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110281

    Ok we are now round into the next cove and heading towards life gaurds.

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110282

    Looking back the way we came you can see that when the tide is high that little walkway is cut off.

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110283

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    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110288

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110289

    Here is a view from the life gaurds

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110291

    From the life gaurds building there is another lot of steps, I tried running up them but they got the better of me lol

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110292

    And finally Im at the top lol.

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 P1110293

    Hope you enjoyed the review, Ill add more to this one day when I do Souter Lighthouse.

    Here are some useful links......................

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    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 Micks_11

    This is the inside of the Marsden Grotto and restaurant, its the room at the back of the bar which is actually built onto the cave in the rock face.

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 Micks210

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 Micks310

    Thanks for the photos Mick forgot you had taken them on your last visit.

    Spain Female Posts : 12655
    Join date : 2011-08-14

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 Empty Re: South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12

    Post by Gypsy Thu 28 Jun 2012 - 15:58

    Is Marsden Grotto open, last time I was in the area about 2006/07 it was closed. So we ended up going to the Museum and Arbeia Fort

    UK Male Posts : 656
    Join date : 2011-09-05
    Age : 57
    Location : South Tyneside UK

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 Empty Re: South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12

    Post by Daryn Thu 28 Jun 2012 - 16:08

    Yeah its still very much open, they did have to close it down a few years back as the staircase leading down to it was deemed to dangerous but its all sorted now.
    Campbell Brodie
    Campbell Brodie

    Scotland Male Posts : 59106
    Join date : 2011-08-13
    Age : 69
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    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 Empty Re: South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12

    Post by Campbell Brodie Thu 28 Jun 2012 - 17:42

    Daryn wrote:Yeah its still very much open, they did have to close it down a few years back as the staircase leading down to it was deemed to dangerous but its all sorted now.

    Good! I'm coming down for a visit very shortly 'cos it looks a lovely place.

    Liechtenstein Male Posts : 14451
    Join date : 2011-08-15
    Age : 70
    Location : Cambs / Golf del Sur

    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 Empty Re: South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12

    Post by Perfectspecimen Thu 28 Jun 2012 - 19:02

    Reminds me of The Cave restauarant in Los Abrigos. They wanna get some sheep on that grass though, dont waste a resource. I like lamb.

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    South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12 Empty Re: South Shields , Marsden Bay , 24/05/12

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