Mmmm, where to start ;)
Forums are strange places, many are set up to be a place where people can get a lot of information on a particular subject and a lot of their members will be casual who dip in and out as they need to find details about whatever the Forum 'expertise' is. These are only as good as the 'core members' of the Forum are in either posting information on a regular basis or answering queries from searching members.
Sometimes these 'core members' forget why the Forum was set up and it becomes a bit of a 'community/coffee' place for them just to chit chat amongst themselves and so the information flow slows or stops.
Sometimes it can even get to the point where they get upset by 'newbies' daring to ask or question something ;) then the fun can start as people think that there are 'clicks' (or is it 'cliches' - you know what I mean!) and then toys get thrown out of the pram, then there is a clear out of members to try to get the place back to how it was and the circle starts again.
Other Forums are just set up as an on-line chat place for a bit of banter between like minded individuals and generally, I believe, these do not grow massively from the core members that set them up. It can be more interesting than the tele and of course cheaper than going out to the Pub. People will often hear about these places and sign up to see what they are all about, lurk for a while and then decide if they want to stay. I don't think I know of anyone that has ever cancelled a membership of a Forum, usually they just stop signing in and the membership becomes dormant and one of many.
The internet has developed massively over the past few years and I guess you can sort of liken it to the South of Tenerife ... there are still the same amount of people visiting its just that they are spread out over a larger area now. Some go to 'All Inclusive' and never go outside to see what else there is. Others prefer 'Self Catering' staying somewhere they feel at home, but going out now and again to try different places (am I making sense or just rambling now?).
With Social Media today, you have Forums, Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In, You Tube and thats only the 'English' language ones, what about Tuenti and all the others that have cropped up. People chat on Facebook much more than they used to do, and they can set up Groups on there too (just look at the recent Groups that sprung up about the Fires we just experienced here on the Island). Add to that Skype or even 'free calls' on landlines that some providers allow and you can begin to see how everything can be diluted.
I check 4 forums most days, however do not necessarily contribute to any one of them, I tend to glance at the titles and only open a post if it catches my eye. I may or may not even read it right through if it is not what I expected. If it looks like I can add something useful or help someone then I will put my two penneth worth in (although on some Forums I have used PMs for this to avoid any backlash or sarcky (is that a word?) comments from others!).
I have to say that I tend to be posting here more than the others recently, although that is still not often. I have looked at some of the threads on here sometimes however and the sense of humour just isnt the same as mine and so I do not join in. Not everyone is the same, and thank goodness for that too :)
Whenever I do post here though I am ALWAYS made to feel a part of the Forum, sometimes even made to feel guilty for not participating more, but I know that I can post when I want to do. I don't think I will ever be joining in with all the 'fun and frolics' that go on here, but just because it is not right for me doesn't mean its not right for someone else.
I do reccommend this Forum now and there is a link from The Beach to here, whether anyone views or follows it is another matter, but its there!
Blimey, how much have I written? Well, I will just say in my opinion, unless you are looking for World domination (and I am sure there will be a few quips at that comment!) just enjoy your Forum for the place it is and if people join and stay then great, as long as it works for the regular members (not members that are 'regular') that should be all that matters.