"Report" Button and how to use it.
If you think a post is abusive or pornographic or racist or whatever, then click on the "Report" button at the bottom left of the post you want to report. A new box will open and you have to put in your reasoning why you think it is abusive. Once you have done that then click the "Save" button, this will send the reported post to Admin and alert us with an e-mail. Admin will then discuss and decide whether or not the report is abusive or not and you will be notified of the outcome.
If you think a post is abusive or pornographic or racist or whatever, then click on the "Report" button at the bottom left of the post you want to report. A new box will open and you have to put in your reasoning why you think it is abusive. Once you have done that then click the "Save" button, this will send the reported post to Admin and alert us with an e-mail. Admin will then discuss and decide whether or not the report is abusive or not and you will be notified of the outcome.