by 3rdforum Mon 12 Mar 2012 - 20:06
Just back from funeral. Never saw so many young people in a church before. All his musician friends played. They did some cracking bluegrass stuff and an unbelievable version of "Paradise/ Woncha take me back to Muhlenburg County" by John Prine. Lots of laughter including a story how he met Jimmy Paige and blagged two free concert tickets from him. It was actually an enjoyable day strangely enough. Caught up with some of my cousins that I hadn't seen in years. One bad thing happened but I'll save that story for another day. Turned out my cuz won 3 european medals as a cox in rowing. Never knew that. His boss flew in from Australia as well, very nice of him. Rowing club did a gaurd of honour with the oars criss-crossed over the coffin. If i get a send off half as good, I'll be a lucky man.
On another note, our business manager rang from the bank and told us that we were turned down for the loan to do that big renewable job I mentioned before. This, despite having contracts signed and the client having a 250,000 grant approved by the government!! Will try another couple of banks but they will already have got wind that we were refused initially. Not looking too good I'm afraid. Still, it could be worse..............